
Showing posts from April, 2021

Understanding Azure Resource and Azure Resource Groups

Azure resource and azure resource group are the two most commonly used terms while working with Microsoft azure. Recently one of the readers asked me about the difference between these two terms, so I have decided to write a post on these two terms.     What is Resource?   The resource is nothing but an Azure service such as app service, Azure storage, azure active directory, etc. It means whenever you create a new resource, you are actually creating the azure service.   What is Azure Resource Group?   The Azure resource group is the collection of resources, the resource group is the container in which multiple azure services reside.   Every Azure service must be located in the resource group. The Resource group gives better flexibility to manage the life cycle of all services at one place, which is located in the resource group. You can deploy, update and delete these services together.   Key Points of Azure Resource Group The resource group can be created using Azure portal, Azure CL

Demystifying Linked and Nested templates in Azure

  As ARM deployments become more complex, using linked and nested templates allow you to break these deployments down into smaller reusable components. Linked templates: create reusable, composable, and modular deployments comprised of many individual arm templates. Nested templates: allows for advanced deployments scenarios like deploying to multiple ARM scopes or multiple resource groups from a single template file. See the following for  documentation on both linked and nested templates . Linked template example To use linked templates, the templates must first be staged on a publically accessible endpoint such as GitHub or an Azure Storage Blob. Consider using an Azure Storage account secured by a SAS token to keep your templates secure from public access. See  this document  for more details. To add a linked template to your ARM template, add a  Microsoft.Resources/deployments  resource and the  templateLink  property configured with the  location  of the template. If needed, you

Understand the structure and syntax of ARM templates

  This article describes the structure of an Azure Resource Manager template (ARM template). It presents the different sections of a template and the properties that are available in those sections. This article is intended for users who have some familiarity with ARM templates. It provides detailed information about the structure of the template. For a step-by-step tutorial that guides you through the process of creating a template, see Tutorial: Create and deploy your first ARM template. To learn about ARM templates through a guided set of modules on Microsoft Learn, see Deploy and manage resources in Azure by using ARM templates. Template format In its simplest structure, a template has the following elements: { "$schema" : "" , "contentVersion" : "" , "apiProfile" : "" , "parameters" : { }, "variables" : { }, &q